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Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning

Commercial kitchen exhaust systems pull the heat, smoke, and grease-laden vapors out of the kitchen while cooking. Over time, the flammable grease, oil vapors, and cooking by-product can accumulate in the system’s hood, vent filters, ductwork, roof exhaust fan, and surrounding roof. These by-products and vapors are highly flammable and can quickly ignite


Many of these fires can be difficult to extinguish, resulting in catastrophic damage to the business’s property. Having your kitchen exhaust system cleaned on a regular basis is not only important in reducing the risk of fire in the system, but it is also required by law. The cleaning frequency depends on the type and quantity of food being cooked in commercial kitchens. Some establishments may require monthly cleaning while others may be annual.

Contact Roma Hood and Kitchen cleaning to schedule kitchen exhaust cleaning and to learn more about how often your commercial kitchen exhaust requires inspecting and cleaning.







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